Now in testing i have no idea if its working as the buff tooltips tell me its giving 0% haste, even when cleansed at 40 stacks (should be 20% haste)Īlso cleansing at 40 stacks locks the ability and its no longer usable with only character death resetting the ability, this is a game bug ive reported to Bliz and nothing to do with the macro. using it again cleanses it from target and gives you haste. So apply Flagellation to target, and let it build stacks on target. So i have for now defaulted to a modifier to be applied manually and keep an eye on or a weak aura to monitor. Venthyr Ability Flagellation, What a shit show this was, spent way too much time trying many many ways to get this working, only to discover the ability is bugged at the time of testing. You could add more Sinister Strikes to the sequence, which will solve this, At the risk of harming the overall performance of the macro, you could then take Deeper Stratigem to mitigate this unless it takes that into account and starts adding it to the 5th point then ya screwed. this happened about 50%-75% of the time in testing. Kyrian Ability Echoing Repremand, due to how it works as well as how the macros work, performance will vary DEPENDING on what combo point it applied to, ie if it applied to 2nd or 3rd its fine, if it applies to 4th, it may clear early (use a finisher at 3 points) leaving a period of no buff at all. Serrated Bone Spike, and Sepsis are fine. Update, 11/10, A bit of a warning here as some of these have been a real pain in the ass Venthyr in particular. So you just need to have both macros there but still only need to press the main macro SND can just be ignored. I have created a simple second macro that manages slice and dice and the primary macro will call it Have a bit of a convoluted solution to slice and dice lock ups Loaded dice as i had energy to burn taking alacrity, but can take that instead if you are energy starved.

GS to make combo point generation less random and help smooth out the rotation Currently using Ghostly strike and Loaded dice talents,